How does metal crack detection work?
Using one of our many vacuum stations, we are able to pull down parts to a working vacuum of 10-5 mtorr which allows us to use a mass spectrometer to detect the presence of Helium molecules in a controlled environment.
What are crack detection methods?

We exercise our own in house non-destructive metal leak/crack testing of our capsule elements and welds in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials Standards. (ASTM-E-165 Standard Practice for Liquid Penetrant Examination for General Industry)
The magnetic particle testing or inspection is a type of crack detection method that works by simply magnetizing the region that is being tested, and then applying a wet suspension or solid ferrous particles. The magnetic flux will simply leak because air will not support magnetic field and the presence of air also suggests that a surface or sub-surface discontinuity is happening in the area being tested.
Metal crack detection is necessary to detect flaws in metals, for example, a typical welding defect may be caused by the lack of complete fusion of the weld to the base metal, this will eventually create cracks and porous conditions inside the weld. The use of metal crack detection involves non-destructive methods of evaluating the geometry of defects in metals. Without adequate metal crack detection, heavy loads plus continuous bending and flexing can cause metal fatigue, and this may lead to accidents in time.
Crack Detection Applications
Crack detection is applicable in many ways, these include;
- Surface defects in Casting
- Surface defects in Forging
- Surface defects Welding
Metal crack detection uses:
Metal crack detection can be used in so many ways:
- To detect fatigue cracks that can lead to bigger cracks in a solid material in the future.
- To detect leakages in new products.
- Can be used in detecting the effectiveness of coatings and paints on a solid material.
- It can be used in generating computerized records on the surface and sub-surface deterioration.
- It can be used as a cleaning method on the surface of material.
- It can be used in conducting a post-inspection analysis.
Contact us for a quote on metal crack/leak detection or for more information.