HIP Cladding & Diffusion Bonding (Welding & Joining)
HIP is used in a range of applications to clad, weld and join dissimilar materials. For example, sputtering targets are made by HIP consolidation and diffusion bonding of the required coating material and its substrate.
- HIP creates essentially seamless diffusion bonds of similar and/or dissimilar materials with different melting temperatures.
- HIP is used for solid state diffusion bonding of complex configurations and materials which will not permit fusion welding.
- Fusion welds are densified by HIP. This not only improves properties and relieves welding stresses, but also improves inspectability because ultrasound scattering is reduced.
- In some cases, powder is consolidated and bonded to a substrate in one operation.
Materials that typically can be joined using HIP:
- Composites
- Diamond/ hard facing materials
- Brazing and welding materials
- Super alloys
- Stainless steels
- Corrosion resistant materials
- Titanium alloys
- Aluminum alloys
- Dissimilar temperature materials
Contact us if you have questions or need a quote for HIP Cladding.